The City of Boston is pleased to announce that Direct Energy has been selected as the supplier for its Community Choice Electricity Program.
December 2023 – December 2025
$0.14205 / KWH
$0.14805 / KWH
$0.17195 / KWH

Customers who are automatically enrolled in the program are placed on the STANDARD (default) product.
The graphic above displays the total renewable electricity that comes from the purchase of Massachusetts Class I Renewable Energy Certificates (or RECs). Massachusetts law requires that all electric customers receive a mandatory minimum of renewable electricity through the purchase of Massachusetts Class I Renewable Energy Certificates. Learn more about this Massachusetts renewable energy requirement (“MA REQ”).
How the Program Works
The Boston Community Choice Electricity Program is a municipal aggregation program. According to Massachusetts law (M.G.L. c. 164, § 134), municipal aggregation enables local government to combine the purchasing power of its residents and businesses so that it can provide them with an alternative electricity supply. Once in place, the local government can monitor and set its own energy related goals for the program such as savings, stability or green options. Consumers are no longer “stuck” with the cost and fluctuation of the utility’s Basic Service rates because the program offers them another option.
This Program only affects the supply portion of your monthly bill. It will not affect the delivery portion. Eversource will continue to deliver your electricity but the City of Boston, using a competitive bid process, has chosen the supplier for the Program. You will not notice any change in your electricity service. The only difference you will see is that Direct Energy will be printed under the “Your supplier is” section of your monthly bill. You will continue to receive one bill from Eversource. You will continue to send your payments to Eversource for processing. Eversource will continue to respond to emergencies, read meters and maintain the distribution and transmission lines. Reliability and quality of service will remain the same. Furthermore, you will continue to have all existing consumer rights and protections. (If you fail to pay your bill in a timely manner, consistent with the requirements of Massachusetts law, you may be switched back to the Eversource’s Basic Service.)
For all questions about the Program please call Direct Energy at 855-402-5868 . or visit
Notification Letters
If you have received a notification letter, you do not need to take any action to participate in the program. All Basic Service consumers that have received the notification letter and have not opted-out will be enrolled in the Program.
If you have not received a notification letter, your account was not eligible at the time of the mailing so you will NOT be automatically enrolled. However, you may opt-in at any time by clicking the blue OPT-IN button, filling out and submitting the form, or calling Direct Energy at 855-402-5868.
Periodically, the Program will send out a notification letter and opt-out card to any consumer that is currently on Eversource’s Basic Service rate.
Budget Plan or Low-Income
If you have a budget plan or eligible low-income delivery rate, you will continue to receive those benefits.
Solar Panels
If you have solar panels, you will continue to receive your net metering credits.
Competitive Supplier Contracts
If you have received a notification letter it means that Eversource had your account listed as being on Basic Service. Since then you may have signed a contract with a competitive supplier on your own. In order to ensure you honor that contract and continue to get your electricity from that Competitive Supplier, you must opt-out of this Program. If you wish to end your contract with that Competitive Supplier to be part of the Program we suggest that before opting in you verify with that Competitive Supplier that they will not charge you any penalties for leaving their supply service.
Green Power Supply Options
If you have received a notification letter and have already chosen a green power supply option, your participation in the Program will not affect your participation with that green power supply option.
Tax Exempt Small Business Consumer
You must send or fax a copy of your Small Business Energy Exemption (“Form SBE”) directly to Direct Energy at or 800-504-7428, or mail it to Direct Energy, Attn: USN Tax Exemption, PO Box 180 Tulsa, OK 74101-0180 in order to maintain your tax exempt status.
Large Consumer (300 kW or 1,500,000 kWh/yr)
You may request to be enrolled in the Program and the supplier may offer the then-current market rate for the product selected rather than the Program rate.
How to OPT-OUT
If you do not wish to participate in this program, you may: 1) Opt-out and continue paying Eversource’s Basic Service rate; or 2) Opt-out and choose your own Competitive Supplier (if one is available to you).
Within 30 days of receipt of the notification letter, you may process an online opt out by clicking the blue OPT-OUT button, then filling out and submitting the form OR fill out, sign, and return the card that was enclosed with the consumer notification letter in the postage paid envelope and mail to:
City of Boston CCE
c/o Direct Energy
PO Box 180
Tulsa, OK 74101-0180
You may also opt out of the program any time throughout the life of the Program with NO CHARGE. It may take a couple of billing cycles before you are back on Eversource’s Basic Service. You may submit an opt-out form by clicking the OPT-OUT button OR by calling Direct Energy at 855-402-5868 and asking to be placed on Eversource’s Basic Service.
No Fees
There are no fees or charges whether you are opting out of the program altogether or opting in to the standard or optional plan. Ratepayers can join and leave the program as they choose. However, anyone switching from a contract with a third-party supplier may be subject to penalties or early termination fees charged by that supplier. Ratepayers should verify terms before switching.
Savings Not Guaranteed
Basic Service rates change twice a year or more, depending on rate class. As a result, the aggregation rate may not always be lower than the Basic Service rate. The goal of the aggregation is to deliver savings over the life of the Program against Basic Service. However, such savings and future savings cannot be guaranteed.